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Carte de l'itinéraire urbain de Genalguacil (en espagnol et en anglais)

Diputación de Málaga
Plano de la ruta urbana de Genalguacil (en español e inglés)

Carte de l'itinéraire urbain de Genalguacil (en espagnol et en anglais)

This publication has been made under the Development Plan to Promote Tourism in the Serrania de Ronda, is bilingual (English and Spanish), and includes at the back a description and a map of the urban routes of the Serrania de Ronda.

Genalguacil is one of the most beautiful towns of the Serra- Crestellinanîa de Ronda. Its name derives from the Arabic Genna-Awacir, meaning "Gardens of the Vizier." The origin of the town dates back to the Moorish period; It can be easily seen in the narrow, winding streets. However, archaeological remains of the Phoenician and Hellenic cultures have been found in the municipal district.

The village is placed on one of the steeply-slopes of the Genal Valley, surrounded by a thick forest populated by chestnut trees, ilexes, and cork oaks. As the rest of the towns in the Genal Valley, once the Moriscos (converted Muslims) were expelled in 1570 from the village, Genalguacil experienced a massive depopulation, even urban areas such as Benestepar, Almáchar and Benihexîh disappeared.

Recommended Walk:

The tour starts at the Lomilla street, from where you can enjoy of great views of the Genal Valley. Just from the beginning, you will notice that this place is an outdoor museum. Many works of art of astonishing quality and originality are exhibited in different streets and spots of the town. Go down by this street to reach the Contemporary Art Museum. At the end of the street, you will find the Lomilla scenic viewpoint and San Pedro de Verona Church –built in the 17th century. Then, continue on by La Estación street, where new sculptures are found. Carry on by Real street to go to the outskirts of Genalguacil.

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