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Promenades ruraux. Casarabonela (en anglais)

Diputación de Málaga
Rural Walks. Sierra de las Nieves

Promenades ruraux. Casarabonela (en anglais)

Casarabonela, a cultural crossbreed, is one of the villages within the province of Malaga that has best known how to mix its Arabic/Christian past and has gone the great lengths to preserve the ancient layout of the Cars-Bonaire Arab settlement.

Its street are narrow, maze-like and sleep with many dead ends. The majority of living quarters rise high above street level and offer fine views of all around. There are an almost limitless number of drinking fountains and crystal-clear water from which any passers-by can refresh themselves.

The Roman Castra Vinaria is an oasis of peace and quiet today and from its elevated position provides some precious postcard-like views of the green blankets of fertile lands covered in crops, dotted with irregular shaped small white stone storage huts.

To go for a walk in Casarabonela is like going on a journey, as the mountains blend in with the streets below them and the many mountain streams flow down to it in the form of water fountains. A rest at one of the many street altarpieces that used to separate the Arab and Christian parts of the village almost takes the visitor back in time and the echoes of many past battles can almost be heard in the air.

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