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Carte de l'itinéraire urbain de Parauta (en espagnol et en anglais)

Diputación de Málaga
Plano de la ruta urbana de Parauta (en español e inglés)

Carte de l'itinéraire urbain de Parauta (en espagnol et en anglais)

This publication has been made under the Development Plan to Promote Tourism in the Serrania de Ronda, is bilingual (English and Spanish), and includes at the back a description and a map of the urban routes of the Serrania de Ronda.

The current municipality of Parauta is placed in the Genal Valley, very near the source of the river. The origin of the name comes from the Arab name Hisn Autha. While the Arab domination, Parauta experienced a very similar fate as Ronda, falling into the Christian hands once this city was conquered in 1485. After the conquest, the Moriscos (converted Muslims) lived relatively normal until the Moriscos’ rebellion in the Alpujarras and the Serranîa de Ronda. As a consequence, the Muslims were expelled in 1570. The resultant depopulation provoked the extinction of towns as Benahazîn, and Parauta had to be repopulated by Christian coming from outside.

According to some authors, Omar Ibn Hafsún, Muslim lately converted to the Christianity, was born in Parauta in 854. He was the leader of the rebellion against the Caliphate of Córdoba and one of the most fearsome figures of the time. He died in the fortress of Bobastro (in the area of the town of Ardales) in the year 917.

Recomended Walk:

The recommended itinerary starts at the Señor Hermitage, nearby the graveyard. From here, go to the Calvario street where you will find the scenic viewpoint and fountain of the Alquerîa. Continue on by the same street until finding the road of Igualeja, where you will discover an iconic tree, which is represented in the shield of the municipality.

It is the Valdecilla oak tree. It owns its origin to its first owner, who specifically ordered not to cut its branches ever. Go deeper into the labyrinth streets of Moorish origin to visit some other outstanding places. Among them, it should be highlighted the Church of the Purîsima Concepción (16th C.) that still has a Mudejar tower.

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