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History of Casabermeja

Diputación de Málaga

History of Casabermeja

Casabermeja has been settled by people since long time ago. The complex of cave paintings called Peñas de Cabrera and the Eneolithic burial site of Monte Calvario are some of the sites which confirm the presence of prehistoric people on this land. Afterwards, Romans came to this village. The Ruins of Cotonilla, the potter's workshop at Cerro Alcalde and the ruins of the Parras Fountain are from the period of their rule.

Muslims also lived here and left an old wall and Zambra Tower, a watchtower from the 15th century. However, people who live here now are descendants of the population established after Málaga was conquered by the Spanish Catholic monarchs. In 1487, when the land in Málaga was divided among the Christians who resettled it, Rodrigo Carro was given this part of the land. He made a 'cortijo' or a farm over the ruins of an old farmstead and the future population started to be formed around it. That farmstead, which was abandoned after Antequera was conquered in 1410, was an old reddish ('bermejo colour') house due to the colour of dirt it was made of, and this is why Rodrigo Caro called his new farm 'La Casabermeja' or  The Reddish House.

The new population which was founded by the Crown was mentioned in documents signed by King Ferdinand 'the Catholic' in 1509 and Joanna (Juana) 'the Mad' in 1529. On the 26th of June of 1550 Charles I King of Spain (Charles V Holy Roman Emperor) restated the above documents and founded the settlement of Casabermeja. Some years later, in 1633, the inhabitants bought the jurisdiction over the village from the Spanish Crown and Casabermeja was separated from Málaga and became a small town.

The A-45 road by Casabermeja helped the village to expand, as well as building of new homes. In spite of its development, the village has kept its traditional image, above all in the Old Town. Its typical narrow streets and white houses, some of which still have vaulted niches with images of saints and the Madonna who they pray to.