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Diputación de Málaga
Aves y Paisajes. Itinerarios ornitológicos por la Sierra Norte de Málaga

Birds and Landscapes. Ornithological trials by the Sierra Norte de Málaga (in Spanish)

With the support of the Competitiveness Tourist Plan of the Sierra Norte de Malaga, the Development Group ADR-Nororma has conducted an original and different Bird Guide. Through its pages, Manuel Dîaz, Eduardo Alba and David Barranco not only tell us what to see (the variety of birds that live and visit this region) and where to go at a walking distance for watching them, but also they catch our attention by describing the beautiful surrounding landscapes of the Sierra Norte de Malaga.
The authors have dedicated many long hours to visit the most beautiful places of this region, designing routes and describing the rich natural heritage and geography.
The result is a series of 15 itineraries that concentrate useful and of interest information to enjoy bird watching in nature. An extensive photo gallery and detailed descriptions illustrate mapping by complementing and creating a reliable mental map of the proposed routes. This is a great option to get into this area of Malaga accompanied by these three nature lovers, who know the birds and territory, and who will join us in the paths at each step indicating where to focus our attention.

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