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Chapel os Saint Cross of Chorrillo

Diputación de Málaga
Ermita Santa Cruz del Chorrillo. Jubrique

Chapel os Saint Cross of Chorrillo

Jubrique is home to several religious buildings of great historic and cultural interest.

A good way to truly get to know this village is to walk around, and there is no better place to start than Calle Algatocîn. Then carry on along the road that heads out of the village to the neighbouring one and after about a kilometre there is a tarmac track off on the right that leads up about 500 metres to a spot known as "La Ermita de la Santa Cruz del Chorrillo", in honour of the Virgen de Fátima.

This chapel is situated on the western side of the village and has a round floor plan. On the inside there is only one altar devoted to Nuestra Señora de los Dolores. It used to be visited constantly by the locals as they were devoted to the Virgin in question, however after a period of time they stopped going and the building fell into decay.

How to get there

Ctra. Circunvalación Norte
Zip Code 29492

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