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Trayamar Necropolis

Diputación de Málaga
Necrópolis Trayamar.Algarrobo

Trayamar Necropolis

Trayamar Necropolis is the most noteworthy Paleopunic tomb complex in the Western Mediterranean. The architectural remains found there date back to the 7th century BCE A series of tombs are housed in underground chambers built on magnificently-designed stone blocks. The jewels and other pieces found among the tombs’ furnishings are on display at Málaga’s Provincial Archaeological Museum, along with a scale reproduction of how the tomb would originally have looked.

Archaeological remains

The earliest evidence of urban settlement in the village, which dates back to the Bronze Age, was found at El Morro de Mezquitilla. However, the most striking findings took place at Trayamar Necropolis, where a series of tombs stretches from Trayamar estate to a nearby hill.

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