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Railway Bridge of Gran Gaitan

Diputación de Málaga
Senda de salida. El Chorro. Túnel y Puente del Gran Gaitán

Railway Bridge of Gran Gaitan

In 1866 ended the construction of the railway line between Malaga and Cordoba. This line joined the rich countryside of the interior and coal reserves and mines of Belmez and Espiel with Malaga and factories of La Constancia belonging to the Loring Family.
This line covering a total of 192 kilometres through fertile lands populated by olive trees, farmland and meadows. In this line were built 17 tunnels, 19 bridges and 8 viaducts that underwent major towns such as Fernan Nuñez, Montilla, Aguilar de la Frontera, and Puente Genil in Córdoba, and  Bobadilla, Gobantes, El Chorro, Las Mellizas, Alora, Pizarra, Cartama, Los Remedios and Campanillas in the province of Málaga. An important part of the tunnels, bridges and viaducts were grouped precisely in the Gaitanes Gorge, where the work took on a particularly difficult because of the steep terrain it was difficult even for transit of chivalry. In this area the train runs along the left bank of the river Guadalhorce, through the gorge almost the same height as El Caminito del Rey.
One of those bridges was the Gran Gaitan, of great beauty and architectural centerpiece on the rail with the city of Malaga.

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