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Fábrica de la Luz Ntra.Sra. del Carmen (The Light Factory) [Hydraulic Heritage]

Diputación de Málaga
Situación actual de fábrica de luz en río Turvilla, , Canillas de Albaida

Fábrica de la Luz Ntra.Sra. del Carmen (The Light Factory) [Hydraulic Heritage]

Zip Code 29755
Other Cultural Heritage Sites > > Hydroelectric Power Station

• Heritage Value: Medium
• Landscape Value: High
• Condition: derelict state of repair
• Type of hydraulic structure:
• Stage of the Great Málaga Path: Stage 7. Cómpeta - Canillas de Aceituno
• Where to find it: Canillas de Albaida
• Period: 20th century
• Architect: José Navas
• UTM Coordinates: 413508,2736, 4080224,523


The Fábrica de la Luz remnants are only 3 km away from Canillas de Albaida. If you depart from the upper area of the village heading northeast, follow the Renzuelas road running parallel to the river of the Llanada de Turvilla. The place is now equipped with a picnic area and has become a relaxing spot in the heart of an exuberant natural setting.


The complex included:
- Water supply canal from the Melero stream
- Water storage ponds for hydroelectric purposes
- A 40-cm-diameter pipe for hydroelectric purposes
- The main turbine house
- An adjacent building which is now used for forestry purposes.

Nowadays there is also a picnic area equipped with tables, barbecues and a fountain.


The main building is derelict. There is neither roof nor machinery of any kind. Alongside it stands another building, currently belonging to the forestry service.


As maintenance required the workers to spend 24 hours in the plant, an annexe building was set up for the staff.

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