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Monastery of the Trinidad

Diputación de Málaga
Iglesia - Convento de la Trinidad

Monastery of the Trinidad

Barriada de la Trinidad
Zip Code 29009
Monuments and Art > Convent

The Monastery of La Trinidad, also known as the Monastery of San Onofre de Padres Trinitarios Calzados (of the Trinitarian Barefoot Fathers), is a former Trinitarian monastery located in the Miraflores district of Bailen, in the city of Malaga.
This is a sixteenth century building which originated around the neighborhood of La Trinidad, in the outskirts of the medieval city. It combines Renaissance and Moorish architectural elements. Stresses its cloister with arches and marble columns.
In addition to the Monastery, has served as a Civil Guard barracks.
In 2009, after several archaeological surveys were located, under the floor of a potential site of the Monastery, remains of the Royal Camp of Isabel the Catholic, known to be located in this place, then known as Cerro de la Artillery, during the conquest of the city.
The Monastery is owned by the Junta de Andalucia (the Andalusian Government) and has been declared historical heritage of Spain in 1980. In 2006, the Andalusian Government announced that the Monastery would house a museum called the Park of the Tales, project discarded in 2011. That same year declared the intention to begin works to house the headquarters of the Andalusian Institute of Historical Heritage, public agency under the Ministry of Culture of the Andalusian Government.

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