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Monastery of the Trinidad

Diputación de Málaga
Convento de la Trinidad 1. Antequera

Monastery of the Trinidad

Plaza de Jesús del Rescate, s/n
Zip Code 29200
Monuments and Art > Convent

A monastery belonging to the Trinitarian Order of the Descalzos. Built between 1672 and 1683, it was designed by a member of the order, Fray Pedro del Espîritu Santo. It is based on the typical Madrid church model of the 17th century.

The exterior consists of a rectangular structure framed by two pilasters and crowned with a triangular pediment.

Inside, it is wide and spacious, with a Latin Cross ground plan, crossing dome and side chapels. Its projection is sober and elegant. In 1935, a fire destroyed the main altarpiece.The present-day version was designed by the Antequera sculptor Francisco Palma Garcîa.

The highlights of the side chapels, which were fortunately not affected, are the 18th century altarpiece at the foot of the Gospel or the image of Cristo atado a la columna, which was brought to the convent in 1669.

The spacious sacristy, the work of Cristóbal Garcîa, is typical Antequera Baroque. It features a rectangular ground plan and a complex vault divided into several sections by three-lobed sash arches. The decorative elements with which the vault is embellished is of particular interest, as many critics believe them to have been inspired by the Oriental school.

Also worthy of note here are a painting of Santa Inês and a curious portrait of the Virgen Madre de la Orden Trinitaria, painted in the early 18th century.

BIBLIOGRAPHY: Jesús Romero Benîtez, Guîa Artîstica de Antequera

How to get there

Plaza de Jesús del Rescate, s/n
Zip Code 29200

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