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Diputación de Málaga


Common nameYellowhammer
Scientific nameEmberiza citrinella
TypeDe medios agrícolas
Wintering Summer Resident Migration
Animal Life > Birds

Small bird (approximately 16 cm or 6.5 in), although large among similar species (bunting), and with long tail. Yellowish upperparts with brown and grey tones. More yellow underparts and head. Head with a mask consisting of three dark brown bands. Females with a more discreet plumage. During the heat the head and the belly of the males adopt bright tones.

Where it lives

Atlantic species linked to climates more typical of northern Europe. The Yellowhammer prefers fresh countryside on hillsides more than 1,000 meters above sea level, with mosaics of meadows, hedges and isolated forests. In its displacements towards the south it looks for the same habitat but in mountain areas.

How it lives

Occasional wintering bird in the province. It breeds from May. Nest on the ground. Two or three annual layings of 2 to 6 eggs. Granivore that mostly consumes seeds and in the spring small invertebrates.

Where it can be seen in Malaga

Rare species in Malaga. Most observations are concentrated in the interior part of the Axarquía, especially in Alfarnate. It has been watched in the mountains of Co, Camarolos and Jobo, that is, in the “Arco Calizo Central” (Central Limestone Arch) of Malaga (stages 10 and 11 of the Great Path).

Curious facts

The buntings of "lemon" tone (citronella) are known in other latitudes for their song, which onomatopoeically is similar to monotonously and repetitively "a little bit of bread and no cheeseeeeeeeeee"".

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