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White-winged tern

Diputación de Málaga
Fumarel Aliblanco (White winged Black Tern)

White-winged tern

Common nameWhite-winged tern
Scientific nameChlidonias leucopterus
HabitatsMarine environment
Wintering Summer Resident Migration
Animal Life > Birds

Medium-sized bird (about 27 cm or 10.5 in), with a shorter bill and a more square tail than other terns. Fully black bridal plumage with a dark grey back. The exception is the tail, rump and wings, which are white or light grey (distinctive feature). Black bill and orange legs. In winter the tones are paler and resemble more the plumage of the Whiskered Tern. Grey upperparts and white underparts. Dark spot behind the eye and stripes on the head down to the nape.

Where it lives

Species linked to inland and freshwater wetlands water with plenty of vegetation. This bird prefers marshes, lagoons and swamps. During its migratory passages it can be detected in any body of water, including coastal and littoral wetlands.

How it lives

Occasional bird that can be watched in the province only during its migratory passage. The White-Winged Tern breeds in colonies. There are no breeding populations in Spain. Floating nests. Laying in June and 2 to 3 eggs. It feeds mostly on aquatic insects that the bird catches in flight and on the surface of the water. It does not dive into the water.

Where it can be seen in Malaga

Uncommon species in Málaga. Almost all observations occur at the mouth of the Guadalhorce and in the Fuente de Piedra lagoon.

Curious facts

The White-Winged Tern (white on a black background) acquires its Latin name from the Greek words "khelidonios" ("bird similar to a swallow") and "leptos-pteron" ("slender wings"). It is one of the few terns that do not dive or plunge into the surface of the water to fish.

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