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Southern Marbled Skipper. Carcharodus baeticus (Rambur, 1839)

Diputación de Málaga
008 Piquitos

Southern Marbled Skipper. Carcharodus baeticus (Rambur, 1839)

Safe appearance Probable appearance
Animal Life > Butterflies

Wingspan: From 2.5 to 3 cm.

Routes where it can be observed


Open wings:  These butteries have light brown forewings with large grey zones, and a bit darker hindwings with a series of striking bright spots. On each pair of wings, there the veins are highlighted.

Closed wings: They are creamy white with clearly visible and heavily marked veins.

Similar species

Mallow Skipper: Having their wings opened or closed, they are not as grey as Southern Marbled Skippers, and the veins are not highlighted.

Marbled Skipper: When it opens wings, there are series of white striking spots on each wing, while the veins are not clearly visible on the closed hindwings.

Tufted Skipper or Tufted Marbled Skipper: When these butterflies' wings are closed, their white spots are bigger and veins are less visible.

Biology and Habitat

This species takes several generations to fly from April to July. They are more numerous in June, and less numerous at the end of summer and in autumn.

They can be seen above all in sparse forests with scattered thickets, in lower or higher areas. These caterpillars feed on labiates which belong to Ballota and Marrubiumgenus.

Distribution in the Great Path

This specie's butterflies can be found along the entire Great Path, except in areas that are at really low altitude or close to the coast. It is more probable to be seen in the north of the province, where local vegetation is present or close to the livestock-farming zones and farms.