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Berger's Clouded Yellow. Colias alfacariensis (Ribbe, 1905)

Diputación de Málaga
023 Colias de Berger

Berger's Clouded Yellow. Colias alfacariensis (Ribbe, 1905)

Safe appearance Probable appearance
Animal Life > Butterflies

Wingspan: From 4 to 4.5 cm.


Open wings: Male butterflies are shining yellow colour and female are light yellow or whitish. Both sexes have a striking black line on the forewings, with a black apex and spots that share the same colour as the background. On the hindwings, black margins are rather thin, and disappear before they get to the anal angle. There are two orange spots in the centre.

Closed wings: The background colour of the closed wings is yellow. There are two white spots surrounded by black and white circles.

Similar species

Dark Clouded Yellow / Common Clouded Yellow: When their wings are open, both sexes are intense mustard colour. Male butterflies' apex is entirely black, while female butterflies have yellow spots. On their hindwings, the black stripe is broader and well-marked, and it stretches all to the anal angle. Female butterflies make a spiral, similarly to the Berger's Clouded Yellow, though they has many scales on the hindwings and, therefore, seem rather dark. When their wings are closed, they are brighter yellow colour than the Berger's Clouded Yellow, or they are green. The shape of a spiral of these two species is the same, so they cannot be distinguish if there is no light to see the black colour on the Dark Clouded Yellow's hindwings.

Biology and Habitat

They take several generations to fly in spring and at the beginning of summer, but the species is rare and rather unknown in Málaga.

There it limits to mountainous areas, such as pine forests, scrubland, pasture and bushes at an altitude that ranges from 400 m to 1780 m.

Distribution in the Great Path

It has not been seen along the GMP, but it has been spotted in the areas that surround stages 11 and 33, so it might be seen at the stages as well. There is also a possibility to find the species in the mountains, such as the Serranía de Ronda, Arco Calizo Central and the Tejeda and Almijara Mountains.