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Common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)

Diputación de Málaga
Delfín mular (Tursiops truncatus)

Common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)

Reproduction Zeal Topping Hibernation
Animal Life > Mammals


Undoubtedly, it is the best known species within the broad group called dolphins. It is the largest of the dolphins that appear on the Spanish coasts. They have a robust and corpulent body, reaching up to 4 m in length. Its nose is very characteristic, clearly differentiated from the melon (rounded forehead of the dolphins) and with a relative length regarding the body, shorter than in other species (such as the striped or common dolphins). Its dorsal fin is high and curved. Its usual colour is grey on the dorsal part and pinkish white on the ventral part.

Where does it live?

It is considered a cosmopolitan species, since it is found in temperate and tropical waters around the world. They are very frequent in neritic environments, close to the coast, such as in bays, estuaries, mouths, ports, ... although they are also very abundant offshore.

How does it live?

They are gregarious animals, which are usually grouped into very stable groups made up of between 12 and 30 specimens. Sometimes several of these groups come together to form large herds.
Their diet consists of a wide range of fish and invertebrates that they catch cooperating in groups. Gestation lasts about a year, being born a calf that will be lactating until reaching two years old. The lifespan of a bottlenose dolphin is over 30 years, with females normally living longer than males.

Where can we see it in the Malaga province?

Thanks to their coastal character, these animals can be seen from the shore doing their characteristic jumps and pirouettes on the waters. Peñón del Cuervo, the ports of Málaga and Marbella, the beaches of Caleta de Vélez and the surroundings of the Calaburras lighthouse in Mijas, are some places from which there have been several sightings by bathers and users of the coastline.

Curious facts

The bottlenose dolphin has a greater tolerance to life in captivity than other species, for this reason it is the best known, seen by millions of people in dolphinariums and on film and television. They were key to sensitizing the population and spread the environmental problems of dolphins, as they were accidental victims of bad practices in tuna fishing. Although there is no special concern for its populations worldwide, in Spain it is considered a "Vulnerable" species.

Similar species

Bottlenose dolphins, due to their size and colour, as well as the size and number of their teeth (larger and less numerous) are not confused with the other two species present in our waters (striped and common dolphins).

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