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Butterfly Park of Benalmádena

Diputación de Málaga
Mariposario de Benalmádena

Butterfly Park of Benalmádena

Safe appearance Probable appearance
Animal Life > Butterflies

More than 1,500 butterflies from tropical areas all over the world fly free inside the Mariposario. As their lifespan is only 2-3 weeks you will be able to find new species each visit. We exhibit more than 150 different species throughout the whole year.

Many of the butterfly species reproduce in the park itself, so besides butterflies you can observe all the stages of their fascinating biological cycle as eggs and caterpillars, and other behavior such as their courtship flights and mating. Every day new butterflies are born in the nursery, so do not miss the unique opportunity to see how they hatch from the chrysalis and spread their wings. You will be able to witness their first flight after the metamorphosis.

Although the live butterfly species in the same space around the world there is no conflict or competition between them.

The environmental conditions in the garden are the same as in their original habitats with 80% humidity and a temperature of between 24-29ºC.