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Diputación > Lugar > Faraján

Diputación de Málaga

In the Serrania de Ronda, Faraján extends amidst chestnut, streams and streets of Arab heritage. The steep slopes, whitewashed houses and exceptional natural enclave on which this town rests makes Faraján a unique destination for history Genal Valley and the route of the venerado monje capuchino Fray Leopoldo (revered Capuchin monk Fray Leopoldo).

Its peace and charm in nature is preserved from the Andalusian era, and its original name is Arabic and means ""joyful and delightful"".




The lovers of history will find in Faraján, the remains and monuments that come with the town over the centuries. The oldest archaeological remains dating from prehistoric times, such as the Dolmen del Romeral. From Al-Andalus, the remains of the old farmhouses of Balastar, Chicar and Majada del Juez are preserved.

As it could not be otherwise, the parish church is the most attractive monument. The church of Our Lady of the Rosary dates from 1505, although it has been profoundly remodelled through the centuries and rebuilt in the mid-XX century. In this last reform, the tower of Mudejar style was intervened, which has been, since then named as Federiquito Sierra in honour of the son of the couple who coasted reform. And a curiosity accompanies this church, the wife of this couple of patrons was a cousin of Pablo Ruiz Picasso.

Faraj is part of the Ruta de Fray Leopoldo, near Cartajima, Pujerra Igualeja, Júzcar and Alpandeire. This Capuchin monk, beatified in 2010, is one of the most revered in Andalusia.

Geographic Data
Surface 20 km2
Altitude 641 m
Latitude 36º 37'
Length -5º 11'
Distance to Málaga City 125 km
City 280
Men 138
Women 142
Nationality Farajeños o Celestones
Town Hall
Escudo de FarajánPlaza de Andalucía, 8, 29461 
Links of interest
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