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Genalguacil. Guide of olive oil mills (with tourist interest) of the Serrania de Ronda (in Spanish)

Diputación de Málaga
Portada de Guía

Genalguacil. Guide of olive oil mills (with tourist interest) of the Serrania de Ronda (in Spanish)

The purpose of this publication, cofinanced by the Plan to Promote Tourism in the Serrania de Ronda and conducted in collaboration with the Association Culture and Heritage of Oil (Olearum), has been to obtain an inventory of all those tourism resources related with the culture of the "gold Mediterranean liquid" that exist in the region.

In the Serrania de Ronda the predominant variety of olive is olive lechin, unlike other varieties in the province (the olive ojiblanca in Antequera, manzanilla Aloreña in Valle del Guadalhorce, and verdial in Vélez in the Axarquía).

This inventory includes 52 locations (museums, natural monuments -olive groves singular-, historical landmarks -old mills, ancient trees-, lodging-houses and hotels -restoration, festivals, traditional mills, oil mills able to be visited, routes) of this region, being described and georeferenced.