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Municipal Museum of Alora Rafael Leria

Diputación de Málaga
Museo Municipal de Álora

Municipal Museum of Alora Rafael Leria

This museum is situated inside a building that dates back to the XVIth century, and is known as “Antigua Escuela de Cristo”, which was part of the Old San Sebastián hospital.

The materials used in its construction were bricks, stone and wood, which were used skilfully by the Christian and Arab builders to produce the rather serious Mudejar style that is characteristic of the site. The most outstanding features of the building are the 9 vaults, the 4 strong bevelled pillars and the interior and exterior buttresses.

The Museum was inaugurated in the Spring of 2003 and contains some 200 objects of historic or archaeological interest that have been found at the many different archaeological digs in the area; arrow heads, axes, glass, pottery dating back to the Prehistoric, Roman, Muslim and Christian periods.

Using a series of explanatory panels and other elements the visitor is offered the chance to get to know Alora’s history from its beginnings up to the present moment.

How to get there

Plaza baja de la Despedía
Zip Code 29500

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