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Iberian Ribbed Newt versus Pygmy Marbled Newt (Pleurodeles waltl, Triturus pigmaeus)

Diputación de Málaga
Tritón pigmeo (Triturus pygmaeus)

Iberian Ribbed Newt versus Pygmy Marbled Newt (Pleurodeles waltl, Triturus pigmaeus)

Active adults Larvae in the water
Animal Life > Amphibians

From Mythology to Reality

In ancient Greek mythology, Triton (refering to Triturus) was a god of the sea, a messenger from the sea depths, who was half fish and half man. Iberian ribbed newts and southern or pygmy marbled newts are not gods and they do not live in the sea but they live in ponds and lakes in our forests and the shape of their tail and legs remind of a strange anthropomorphic fish. You probably already know that these amphibians have a tail unlike frogs and toads.

Small Dragons

Iberian ribbed newts live in marshes, ponds and muddy lakes. Their head is flat and they have no dorsal crest to decorate their body with. Their colours are dull and dark. On the contrary, Pygmy marbled newts have very bright colours, such as bright mottled green.  They live in clean water with currents. Their head is not flat and they do have a gaudy dorsal crest like the dragons from ancient tales.

Two Different but Efficient Defence Strategies

Iberian ribbed newts can push out its ribs until they pierce through their body. They are very stiff when they do this and the bones they push are poisonous at the top. This is why they are sometimes called 'ox killers', because these get drowned while drinking water in ponds if they accidentally swallow an Iberian ribbed newt. On the other side, Pygmy marbled newts' shiny colours warn others about their dangerous skin which secrets a toxic substance.

Why are These Newts Helpful?

There are many different roles that live creatures play in this world. Besides their beauty and ethical importance, they can be beneficial for future medicine and generate profit. How Can Iberian Ribbed Newt and Pygmy Marbled New Help You? Animals that eat leech and clean ponds are rather helpful, aren't they?

The Great Málaga Path Stages where they can be seen

Iberian Ribbed Newt can be spotted along stages 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 19, 24, 25, 30,31 and 34; and Pygmy Marbled Newt along stages 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 17 and 26.

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