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El Nacimiento Via Ferrata, Igualeja. Serrania de Ronda

Diputación de Málaga
Vía ferrata de Igualeja 1

El Nacimiento Via Ferrata, Igualeja. Serrania de Ronda

The difficulty of this climbing trail comes from the two overhands and, especially, and the sections where some acrobatic moves are needed.


You can park your car in the water spring Nacimiento de Igualeja, close to the entrance of the town. You will leave behind the water spring and go upriver along the path towards the Iron Way.

The end of the Iron Way will be on the left side where you will need to walk along the marked path located on the crest of the walls towards the entrance path.

Main Data

Town: Igualeja.
Nearest place: Igualeja
Coordinates (UTM): x:310784 y:4056394.
Difficulty: K3 Difficult.
Length of the route: 94 m
Elevation: 28 m.
Estimated Return time:  1hour 30 mins from the car park.


Restrictions unknown. Mind that it this this is a private property.

How to get there

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