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Karte der städtischen Route von Algatocin (in Spanisch und Englisch)

Diputación de Málaga
Plano de ruta la urbana de Algatocín

Karte der städtischen Route von Algatocin (in Spanisch und Englisch)

This publication has been made under the Development Plan to Promote Tourism in the Serrania de Ronda, is bilingual (English and Spanish), and includes at the back a description and a map of the urban routes of the Serrania de Ronda.

The municipality of Algatocîn extends from East to West on the flanks of the mountain range that separate the Genal and Guadiaro rivers. The peculiar urban layout owes its origins to the Moors who gave origin to this villa. The town is built in a staircase shape in order to fit the steep terrains of the area. Whitewashed houses and green chestnut trees, ilexes and cork oaks paint this terrains of colour.
The streets are steep, narrow, and sinuous; there are 18th century houses with their porticoed faèades and heraldic shields. The church of Nuestra Señora del Rosario, crowned by a shining blue mosaic cap ceiling, was built as a hallmark of people from Algatocîn.

Recommended walk:
The starting point is located in Fuente street. Just at the beginning of our walk, you can see on your left the San Antonio fountain. Then, turn on your right leaving Alta street back to reach the Alameda de Andalucîa, one of the most crowded areas of the town. Continue on by the Andalucîa avenue, wider part, to stroll about the low-lying neighbourhood. The amazing views on your right of the Genal valley will, for sure, catch your attention. Then continue walking by La Fuente square and Pêrez Jimênez street. A smooth slope will be perceived, although it would not make you stop. Going through Guardia street, you will come out onto the church of Nuestra Señora del Rosario. From here, go to Barrio Alto street to take you back to the starting point.

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