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Monastery of Encarnación

Diputación de Málaga
Convento de la Encarnación 3. Antequera

Monastery of Encarnación

C/ Encarnación, s/n
Zip Code 29200
Monuments and Art > Convent

A building belonging to the Carmelitas Descalzas order, completed in 1580.

Its exterior is intensely sober, while inside, we encounter the Granada Morisco model of a single square nave and a staircase covered with Mudêjar panelling leading up to a raised main chapel.

Save for a few fragments, the church’s original altarpieces no longer remain. The present-day altarpiece, a combination of Rococo and Neoclassical styles painted in white and gold, was created by Antonio Palomo in 1790.

Sculptures of interest include El Grupo de la Anuciación in the central image-dressing room, a figure of San Josê by Andrês de Carvajal, a late 16th century crucifix and a delightful Virgen del Carmen with a heavy Rococo influence by the Antequera sculptor Diego Márquez y Vega.

BIBLIOGRAPHY: Jesús Romero Benîtez, Guîa Artîstica de Antequera

How to get there

C/ Encarnación, s/n
Zip Code 29200

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