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Dolmen of Cerro de la Corona

Diputación de Málaga
Dolmen del cerro de la corona, Totalán

Dolmen of Cerro de la Corona

Cerro de la Corona
Zip Code 29197
Archaelogical Sites > Dolmen

Some 600 metres from Totalán itself stands the funeral structure of Cerro de la Corona, which dates back to the 4th and 3rd millennium before Christ.

Analysis of it began at the end of the last century, with remains of human skeletons and pieces of ceramic containers being found here. El Dolmen was a collective burial ground for at least ten individuals who were discovered along with archaeological artefacts related to their work (polished tools and ceramics).

Among the almost 4,200 fragments of bone discovered, teeth belonging to at least ten different people have been distinguished, covering a broad spectrum of ages ranging from 3-4 to over 45.

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