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Ermitas rupestres (Rock Chapels)

Diputación de Málaga
Iglesia Rupestre Mozarabe de Villanueva de Algaidas

Ermitas rupestres (Rock Chapels)

Consisting of three rooms and a smaller chamber that can be accessed from the outside, this modest chapel was dug out of the sandstone. Despite not having conducted any studies, the ceramic remains found in its immediate surroundings may indicate a similarity with the Bobastro complex and its occupation in the 9th and 10th centuries. However, this may have taken place earlier, since this type of eremitic dynamics can be observed throughout the Iberian Peninsula between the 6th and 10th centuries.

Near Villanueva de Algaidas, on the road between the village and the Atalaya district, stands a cave chapel similar to the one in Archidona, excavated entirely from sandstone.

It belongs to a group known as “rural eremitic chapels” and was built between the 9th and 10th centuries. This Rock Chapel is located close to the Convento de Nuestra Señora de Consolación (Convent of Our Lady of Consolación).

It consists of two separate cavities, a larger one housing the church and a smaller 11-metre space. On the northern side of the larger cavity, two gaps provide access to two naves. The one to the right may have been the sacristy, while its left-hand counterpart was probably a type of vestibule. The smaller cavity would have been a living area.

How to get there

Ctra. Cuevas Bajas, s/n
Zip Code 29310

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