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Parish Church of St. Peter Apostle

Diputación de Málaga
Iglesia San Pedro Apostol.Villanueva de Tapia

Parish Church of St. Peter Apostle

Plaza de España
Zip Code 29315
Monuments and Art > Hermitage and Chapel

It stands out among the village’s whitewashed houses as much for its height as for its colour. Its highlight is the slender, two-section tower with its four-slope roof adorned with coloured tiling. The clock was added in 1948.

As for the building itself, documentation dating back to 1618 confirms that the church was already in existence at the time. It underwent major overhauls in 1778 and 1897, the latter seeing it rebuilt with a whitewashed exterior, wide, Roman-arch doorway at the top of a flight of steps and a pediment-style roof with a central window, crowned by a cross.

The interior has also undergone major renovation, the highlight being the wooden ceiling panelling and the choir. Its two naves are home to images such as the 18th century Nuestro Padre Jesús Nazareno, with its delicately-carved face and hands, the Virgen de los Dolores, crafted in the same century and much revered by the local inhabitants, the Virgen de Fátima, Virgen de la Paz, also known as Virgen de la Soledad, San Josê and San Pedro.

Also worthy of mention is the fact that it is home to one of the most complete, best-conserved church archives in the whole of the Málaga diocese, which includes lists of inhabitants, baptismal and marriage registers (dating back to 1626), papal, regal and episcopal documents, wills, censuses etc.

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