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Our Lady of the Rosary Church

Diputación de Málaga

Our Lady of the Rosary Church

Plaza de la Constitución, s/n
Zip Code 29718
Monuments and Art > Hermitage and Chapel

This is a building from the 16th century, which was founded on 25 May 1505 by the Archbishop of Seville D. Diego de Deza and built by the Catholic Kings on the site of the ancient mosque.

Its architectural style is one of the most outstanding in the whole Axarquia region, as the original designers tried to leave behind their particular point of view as to the interpretation of a Gothic-Renaissance building. On the inside three distinct naves can be identified, separated by lancets that are supported by cruciform columns. The naves are covered by Mudejar style wooden frameworks, while the octagonal-shaped chapels have Baroque style coffered ceilings.

The exterior tower is built in the same style and has a square ground plan and a octagonal top section and glazed ceramic roof tiles. The tiles at the entrance are of a Renaissance style and are finished off in a arched form. In the square at the side of the church there is a fountain decorated in painted tiles that depict the Virgen de Lourdes.

How to get there

Plaza de la Constitución, s/n
Zip Code 29718

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