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Church of San Juan Bautista

Diputación de Málaga
Iglesia de San Juan, Cuevas Bajas. Sierra Norte de Málaga

Church of San Juan Bautista

The Iglesia de San Juan Evangelista, built in the XVIII century on the site of an earlier church of much smaller dimensions, stands next to a square in the town centre. The extensive rebuilding and extension work carried out to the building was overseen by the master architect of Antequera, Juan de Reina.

Its brick and masonry exterior feature a simple main faèade crowned by a small pediment which is open at the top, housing a niche framed by a Roman arch. The square tower develops into a three-section bell gable, the upper section of which features a single arch and is crowned by a pediment.

Inside, three naves are separated by Roman arches supported by thick pillars, with a vault covering the crossing. Worthy of note are the octagonal image chamber in the main altar and the Capilla del Sagrario to its left, an unusual feature of this particular church, as the chapel is normally situated behind the main altar.

Other points of interest include the main altar itself, which dates back to 1606; the image of Jesús Nazareno, by the Seville craftsman Castillo Lastrucci; the image of San Josê, a product of the Antequera School in the last third of the XVIII century; and the image of the Virgen de los Dolores, which dates back to the late XIX century and is an example of the work of the Seville School. The highlight of the religious items on show here are the XVIII-century silver chalice decorated with leaves and small stones and the trousseau of the Virgen de los Dolores.

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