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Church of Our Lady of la Salud

Diputación de Málaga
Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Salud 4. Carratraca

Church of Our Lady of la Salud

C/ De la Iglesia, s/n
Zip Code 29551
Monuments and Art > Hermitage and Chapel

This church is one of the buildings of greatest historical interest in the village. Though not very old, having been built in the 19th century, it does stand on the site of a former mosque. Inside, it consists of three naves separated by Roman arches with wooden ceiling structures and semi-spherical vaults in the presbytery and the image dressing room behind the altar, which is home to the image of the Virgen de la Salud.

How to get there

C/ De la Iglesia, s/n
Zip Code 29551

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