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Hermitage of Virgen del Socorro

Diputación de Málaga
Pilar y Ermita Virgen del Socorro, la Parrilla,Villanueva de Algaidas. Sierra Norte de Málaga

Hermitage of Virgen del Socorro

Situated in the La Parrilla district, it is the best conserved hermitage in the village. It is devoted to the worship of the Virgen del Socorro, whose image is paraded on the 8th of September and on Easter Sunday.

According to a commemorative plaque, Tomás Bazo Caballero, having been declared chief magistrate in Archidona on the 16th of February 1716, ordered the building of a hermitage in the Sierra de la Parrilla which was called El Calvario and dedicated to Nuestra Señora. del Socorro, providing a place in which to hear daily mass for those who lived far from the Convento de Recoletos de San Francisco de Asîs.

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