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Humilladero’s Cross

Diputación de Málaga

Humilladero’s Cross

N-334 Humilladero - Mollina
Zip Code 29531
Monuments and Art > Sculpture and Monolith

An iron cross from the XVth century which is situated on a pedestal on which the history behind the cross and the village is written.

The village has taken its name from the cross and its origin dates back to 1410 when the Infante D. Fernando received the troops of D. Pero Afan de Rivera, which had come from Seville. These troops were in possession of the Sacred sword of Fernando III el Santo. When D. Fernando faced the troops of D. Pero, and in the presence of the sword, he kneeled down as a sign of submission and swore that his own sword would not rest until Antequera was conquered.

When Antequera was finally conquered the troops returned to the spot where they had made the declaration and erected a cross. Later on, a convent was built around the cross and then the village, which is known today as Humilladero, began to develop. It is said that the Reyes Catolicos stopped off at the site to pray before the cross on their knees before going on to fight for Granada..

How to get there

N-334 Humilladero - Mollina
Zip Code 29531

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