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Dingy Skipper. Erynnis tages (Linnaeus, 1758)

Diputación de Málaga
004 Cervantes

Dingy Skipper. Erynnis tages (Linnaeus, 1758)

Safe appearance Probable appearance
Animal Life > Butterflies

Wingspan: From 2.5 to 3 cm. Its flying pattern is erratic and normally at ground level.


Open wings: Its forewings are brown with dark drawings in the shape of a saw on each wing and white scales around them. The hindwings are brown without any drawings on them. There are small white spots on their margins.

Closed wings: These are lighter brown colour and have small white spots on the margins

Similar species

Its size, colours and drawings on the wings makes it difficult to be confused with other butterflies.

Biology and Habitat

This species goes through one generation a year that flies at the end of May and June, although we know little about them, considering they are rare in Málaga and appear in limited number of places.

Dingy Skippers live in well-preserved mountain areas, at an altitude between 900 and 1300 m, on grassland, scrubland and in forests. Their caterpillars feed on leguminous plants, such as Lotus, Hippocreppis, Coronilla and Anthyllis.

Distribution in the Great Path

This butterfly species is one of the rarest examples of Hesperiidae in the province, and it has not been found on the Great Málaga Path, but it might have its colonies at The Arco Calizo Central (11th and 20th stage) and along the Serranía de Ronda (23rd stage).