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Polvillo dorado (Spanish common name). Sloperia proto (Ochsenheimer, 1808)

Diputación de Málaga
011 Polvillo dorado

Polvillo dorado (Spanish common name). Sloperia proto (Ochsenheimer, 1808)

Safe appearance Probable appearance
Animal Life > Butterflies

Wingspan: From 2 to 3 cm.

Routes where it can be observed


Open wings: There are three aligned spots close to the apex on the forewings, which have checked margins with fimbriae. The hindwings have spots in the centre of the wings.

Closed wings: They are brown or creamy white; and the hindwings have no spots on the margins, but do have a distinctive central spot with an inner angle.

Similar species

Red-underwing Skipper: There are four spots close to the front apex on their open wings. Closed wings are reddish or chestnut and some large spots can be found at the margins of the hindwings, as well as a spot with an outer angle in the middle of them.

Rosy Grizzled Skipper: There are four spots on the apex on the open wings. The last spot is close to the margin. In the centre of the closed wings, a spot with an inner angle can be seen.

Biology and Habitat

Only one generation can be seen from March to November and it takes a long time to emerge. They are most active in May, Jun and July.

These butterfllies live in all kinds of habitats with their foodpants such as the following labiates: Phlomis purpurea, P. lychnitis, P. crinita and P. herba-venti. These are frequently part of undergrowth, wide scrubland or they are isolated in places which were degraded by humans.

Distribution in the Great Path

The species can be found on most stages, except on those that entirely go through urban areas and get close to the beach (1st and 30th), as well as on the 35th. It is less common on the coast and in the north of the province.