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Water rail

Diputación de Málaga
Rascon (Rallus aquaticus)-adulto

Water rail

Common nameWater rail
Scientific nameRallus aquaticus
Wintering Summer Resident Migration
Animal Life > Birds

Medium-sized bird (about 28 cm or 11 in) of the rail family (coots and moorhens), elusive, shy and very discreet. Olive brown upperparts. Bluish grey head, face and belly. Striped flanks in white and black. Long and intense red bill. Red eyes and greyish legs. White tail below and brown above. Laterally squeezed body that allows it to move easily between the reeds.

Where it lives

All types of wetlands, with a preference for fresh, calm, shallow waters and with a high density of marsh vegetation, especially reeds and rushes.

How it lives

Species resident in the province. Very territorial. Nest among the reeds. One laying of 6 to 11 eggs. Omnivore. It travels its territory foraging and always using the same paths, usually bordering the banks of lakes, rivers and ditches, just where the reed ends and the water begins. That is when the Water Rail can be observed.

Where it can be seen in Malaga

Species very difficult to watch. Present at the mouths of the Guadalhorce and Guadalmansa rivers.

Curious facts

The Water Rail has nocturnal or twilight habits, which makes it even more difficult to observe. However, this relative of the cranes shares with them their ability to emit loud screams or shrieks that often betray its presence.

Routes where it can be observed

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