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Savi's warbler

Diputación de Málaga
Buscarla unicolor

Savi's warbler

Common nameSavi's warbler
Scientific nameLocustella luscinioides
Wintering Summer Resident Migration
Animal Life > Birds

Small bird (about 14 cm or 5.5 in), similar to Eurasian reed warblers both for its appearance and for the habitat it occupies. Very discreet and difficult to watch. Dark brown upperparts and underparts with ocher tones. Relatively long tail, with the edge rounded. It usually moves the tail raising it (differential character with reed warblers). The best way to identify it is by its singing, similar to the buzzing of a cicada.

Where it lives

Species linked to areas with dense marsh vegetation (reed beds, rush, bulrush) on the banks of rivers, channels and fresh or brackish wetlands.

How it lives

Bird present in the province only during its migratory passages. The Savi's Warbler nests among the reeds, near the ground. One annual laying of 3 to 6 eggs from April. It feeds on insects and molluscs that it searches near the water, among the most tangled vegetation.

Where it can be seen in Malaga

Scarce species in Malaga even during its migratory passages. Easier to detect in the autumnal passage. It is observed more frequently during the months of September and October in humid areas such as the mouth of the Vélez river and in crops of the fertile plain of the Guadalhorce river (stages 2 and 35 of the Great Path).

Curious facts

Rare, scarce and little known bird. Its Latin name (luscinioides) makes reference to its resemblance to the nightingale, especially in the colour. It is part of the popular group of "brown birds", among which are some whitethroats, nightingales and several species of warblers, including them, Savi's warblers. The undertail coverts, which can only be observed in hand, are essential to identify them correctly.

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