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Common buzzard

Diputación de Málaga

Common buzzard

Common nameCommon buzzard
Scientific nameButeo buteo
HabitatsWoodland environment
Wintering Summer Resident Migration
Animal Life > Birds

Medium sized bird of prey (approx 58 cm or 23 in). Sturdy build, medium span (approx 132 cm or 4.5 ft) and variable colouration. Relatively short tail. Dorsal plumage of dark brown colour and lighter brown in the underparts; white spots on the breast with great variability between individuals. Bare tarsi. In flight, its short and wide wings with a wide white spot and a fan-shaped clear horizontal barred on the tail are its distinctive features.

Where it lives

Very generalist species and able to accommodate to any type of habitat and even to the presence of man. To nest, it prefers areas with an average degree of plant cover, using grasslands, countryside, crops, mountain forest stands and open areas.

How it lives

Resident species in the province all year round. Malaga also hosts wintering individuals and an important migratory passage of buzzards. It starts breeding in April, making an annual laying of 2 to 3 eggs. Nest in trees. Very variable feeding, from insects and invertebrates, to carrion and prey of small and medium size. It virtually takes advantage of any available resource.

Where it can be seen in Malaga

Frequent bird in the province. It can be observed in almost the entire Great Path. In particular, for example, in stages 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 26, 25, 31, 32 and 33.

Curious facts

Bustards are quiet birds, which are usually perched on poles or wires on the margins of roads. They also spend a lot of time gliding in open spaces. Its common name in Spanish ("ratonero") and Latin (stemming from "buteo" or "busio") makes reference to the fact that they are eagles that hunt mice.

Routes where it can be observed

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