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Garganta Verde. Canoying. Serranía de Ronda.

Diputación de Málaga
Garganta Verde.Barranco.Serranía de Ronda. Zahara de la Sierra. Cadiz

Garganta Verde. Canoying. Serranía de Ronda.

This canyon is the most popular one in Cadiz. It is mainly based on a watercourse, although it depends on the water level. You will fi nd short and easy abseils and a largely easy course which becomes ideal for amateurs. Be aware that the fi rst stretch is normally dry.

Main Data

Municipality: Zahara de la Sierra (Cádiz)
Nearest town: Zahara de la Sierra (Cádiz)
Coordinates (UTM): X: 285595,  y Y: 4076953.
Estimated time: About 4 relaxed hours.
Number of abseils: 5.
Longest abseil: 10 metres.
Itinerary: Approx. 2,500 metres long with a descent of 180 metres.
Transport link: A transport link is necessary.
Recommended season: During all seasons it is accessible, but especially after the rainy season.
RegulationsIt is important to obtain the previous permission from the Andalucian Department of the Environment.

Links nd. do?q=garganta+verde+cadiz

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