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Parajes de Moclinejo

Diputación de Málaga
Moclinejo. Vista aérea1

Parajes de Moclinejo

Moclinejo is surrounded by steep hillsides and rocky cliffs, as are all of the foothills that form part of the “Montes de Malaga”. The land is characteristically dry, barren and rocky. The small rivers and streams that flow through the locality are fed by the winter rains and occasional storms and, as such, are dry most of the year round.

There are several tracks that run through the area around Moclinejo. They are ancestral byways that cross the hills and follow the natural contours of the land. One of the most outstanding starts out from the southern side of the village and circles the peak known locally as “Piedrasblancas”. It continues on towards the west until it reaches the following village of Totalán.

An alternative route circles the same peak (Piedrasblancas ), but this time towards the east and then continues north until it reaches the source of the Arroyo de Totalán. From here on it goes north up some steep quite rough ground which later on becomes a well surfaced track right up to the Venta Cárdenas( restaurant), in front of the Santo Pîtar. From the source of the river, the river bed itself can be followed down to avoid the steep and rough track.

How to get there

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Discover more about the province of Malaga