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Ventilla Stream

Diputación de Málaga
Primer tramo del recorrido. Arroyo de la Ventilla. Arriate

Ventilla Stream

From the indicated point we have two paths, on both banks of the stream, which lead us to Arriate. Throughout the route we cross a gallery vegetation that favors the presence of forest and riverside birds such as the common buzzard, great spotted woodpecker, woodpecker, golden wagtail, robin, common blackbird, bastard nightingale, sardinian and blackcap warblers, striped wren, chickadee and blue tit, tree-creeping treecreeper and wood bunting, among other species. In summer we should add the scops owl, cuckoo, wryneck, common nightingale, common warbler, Iberian warbler, gray flycatcher and oriole.

How to get there

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