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Gallery of Presidents

Diputación de Málaga

The Institution


Gallery of Presidents

On 26th April, 1999, the President’s Gallery was inaugurated to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the new era of democracy. The gallery featured representations of all the Council’s Presidents fro the year 1979 onwards.

In 1998, a series of portraits were painters by eminent painters. Eugenio Chicano painted Enrique Linde Cirujano; Gabriel Alberga painted Luis Pagán Saura; Francisco Hernández painted Antonio Maldonado Pérez; Francisco Auraute painted José Mª Ruiz Povedano and F. Revello de Toro painted Luis Vázquez Alfarache and Juan Fraile.

Gallery of Presidents

Enrique Linde Cirujano retratado por Eugenio Chicano

Enrique Linde Cirujano 1979-1982

D. Luis Pagán Saura retratado por D. Gabriel Alberca

Luis Pagán Saura 1982-1986

D. Antonio Maldonado Pérez retratado por D. Francisco Hernández

Antonio Maldonado Pérez 1986-1991

D. José Mª Ruiz Povedano retratado por D. Fermín Durante

José María Ruiz Povedano 1991-1995

D. Luis Vázquez Alfarache retratado por D. F. Revello de Toro

Luis Vázquez Alfarache 1995-1999

D. Juan Fraile Cantón

Juan Fraile Cantón 1999-2003

D. Salvador Pendón Muñoz

Salvador Pendón Muñoz 2003-2011